Friday, April 22, 2011

University of Toronto Vote Mob

Vote Mob and ...

Today was the day slated for the University of Toronto's Vote Mob and march to an Advanced Polling Station. I arrived at Queens Park just before the start of the event. I'm not sure who was there first, but there were other people there protesting the environment. Well, I assume they were protesting FOR the environment, since it was a nice day. Oh, they also had horses!

There were signs against Nuclear Power, Quarrying, and a few other things. They started off on their march, which I thought was the Vote mob march. They came out from behind, media started following, so I started as well. I went along with them for about 30 mins or so, then made my way back towards the polling station. Stopping for a much needed coffee on the way.

I arrived at the polling station just as the voters did. They were loud, vocal, non-partisan, and basically generally celebrating democracy. As one of the signs reminded me, and as Rick Mercer said, people are DYING for this right, we need to start exercising it.

Here are a few more photos from the day, from both the protest and the vote mob.

There is a National Vote Mob on May 1st, the day before the election. Be there, participate in democracy, you won't regret it!

Click here for details.

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